Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Workout for 12/28/11

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! Now it's time to undo some of the damage that you did over the holidays with a new workout :). Here we go!


5 Rounds for time of
9 Deadlifts
6 Barbell Snatches
3 Overhead Squats

Here is how it goes: perform a good warm-up which includes 5 minutes of cardio and 5 minutes of going through the movements of the featured exercises. Just use an empty bar or a broomstick and go through the motions.
Then pick a challenging weight, but be aware that whatever weight you choose is what you'll be using for All of the exercises. Once the workout begins you just move from one exercise to the next with as little rest as possible. Have fun, sweat, and keep your form good!

Yours In Health,


Barbell Deadlift:
These have been given as an example in a previous post here.

Barbell Snatch:

Overhead Squat:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

WOD for 12/13/11

Hi everyone! Are you in need of a good workout? Do you not have much time? Well I have the perfect thing for you! Here we go:

7 Rounds for time of

3 Barbell Deadlifts
3 Handstand push-ups

End with a 30 minute run/jog/walk.

Take a little bit of time before the workout to decide on a challenging weight for your deadlifts. That way you're not having to change the weight mid-workout, plus it gives you a good functional warm-up. Also, if you can do more than 5 handstand push-ups on a normal day, then increase your range of motion by putting your hands on 25lb plates or using push-up bars. If, however, you can't do handstand push-ups at all then you have a couple of options. You can either decrease your range of motion by adding a folded up mat under your head, just hold a handstand position for 20-30 seconds, or regress the exercise and put your feet on a bench and perform the handstand push-ups as normal or simply do a pike press. I'll include the alternatives in the examples section below. Enjoy!

Yours In Health,


Barbell Deadlifts:
These have been given as an example in a previous post here.

Handstand Push-ups:

Feet against a wall, nose (or head) touches floor, push up to full extension.

Alternates for handstand push-ups:

Feet on bench or chair

Pike Press on floor

Saturday, December 10, 2011

WOD for 12/10/11

Well it's been a few days so I know you're ready for a new WOD right!? Well wait no longer, here it is!


4 Rounds for time of
1/4 mile Run
10 Burpees
10 Sumo deadlift high pulls
10 Barbell Thrusters

Have fun! If you'd like to share your time with everyone please feel free. Just a note, this is a supportive group, not a discouraging one. If you make a negative remark it WILL be removed! Thank you!

Yours In Health,



Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Barbell Thrusters
Example was posted in a previous post. Please refer to it if you need it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

WOD for 12/5/11

Good morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend and you're ready for a new WOD today! Today I'll be featuring a new exercise that you may or may not be familiar with. It's called the Pendlay Row. I'm posting a short video below that gives a quick description of how to perform the exercise. If you have any questions about it please feel free to ask. So without further ado, today's WOD:

4 Rounds of
5 Pendlay rows
6 Dead hang pull-ups
7 Handstand push-ups
25 Push-ups

Finish up with a 30 minute run/jog/walk.

Don't worry about time for this workout. Just focus on good, strict form. As always, go as heavy as you can, but keep your form! If you can't do a weight with proper form then drop down in weight. Have fun!

Yours In Health,


Thursday, December 1, 2011

WOD for 12/1/11

There's only 30 days left in 2011. Let's finish strong! Starting with today's WOD.

10 Rounds
Reps of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
(So you'll do 10 reps for round 1, 9 reps for round 2, etc.)

Barbell Thruster (105lbs men, 65lbs women)
Box Jumps
Knees to Elbows

Yours In Health,





If you can't get your knees all the way to your elbows, just get them as high as you can. Practice makes perfect!