Thursday, April 26, 2012

Workout for 4/26/2012

It's time for a new workout, yay! Here we go:

1 mile warm-up walk/jog (approx 10-15 minutes)
21 reps Barbell Thruster
21 Pull-ups
1/4 mile Run
15 Barbell Thruster
15 Pull-ups
1/4 mile Run
9 Barbell Thruster
9 Pull-ups
1/4 mile Run
5 Barbell Thruster
5 Pull-ups

This will be a total of 50 reps of both the barbell thrusters and pull-ups. Choose a weight that is challenging for the barbell thrusters (I suggest 95lbs for men, 45lbs for women). Do your 1/4 mile runs at a challenging pace. That meaning at the end of that 1/4 mile you should not have been able to maintain that pace for more than a few more seconds. Do some stretching for a cool-down afterwards and reward yourself with a protein shake!

Yours In Health,

Monday, April 2, 2012

Workout for 4/2/12

I realize it's been WAAYY too long since I posted a new workout and I apologize. Here you go!

Barbell Thruster 7 sets of 3 reps
100 Burpees

This workout is not timed and you can split up the burpees however you want. I chose to break them down into 7 sets and use them as an active rest during my thrusters.

As far as the thrusters go, go as heavy as you can, but keep your form in check! Tight abs and glutes and a straight back are a necessity. If you need help remembering what thrusters are please refer to my newly added "EXERCISE DEMOS" tab above. Thanks and have fun!

Yours In Health,