Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Workout for 3/5/13

Today's workout was a sweaty one. It was as follows:

Begin with 5-10 minute warm-up. I did 1/2 mile on the treadmill and a couple of minutes of jumping rope. Then move on to the first part of the workout:

3 rounds of:
5 Hang power cleans
5 Push press
5 Squats (weight on back)

*This is all done with the same weight so pick a weight that will challenge you, but that you can handle for all three exercises.

After that's done move on to part two:

8 rounds of:
12 Burpees
6 Overhead walking lunges (hold a weight plate overhead)
30 Double-unders with jump rope (Do 60 singles if you can't do double-unders)

*I did 16 burpees on my last round to make it an even 100. Feel free to do the same. :)

Then on to part three:

100 Flutter kicks

My total time for everything, including warm-up, was 58:40. My time just for part two was 31:58. I would have loved for that to be a bit faster, but I'm still working on perfecting my double-unders so that slowed me down.

If there is anything here that you're unfamiliar with, and if it's not already in my "exercise demos" you can shoot me a message or you can just YouTube it.

Yours In Health,

Monday, March 4, 2013

Workout for 3/4/13

Today's workout was as follows:

5 minute warm-up

1 mile run

5 rounds of the following:
5 Handstand push-ups (I did mine on parallel bars)
10 Pull-ups (strict and chin over bar every time)
10 Kettlebell snatches (per arm)

After completing 5 rounds, end with

1 mile run

I squeezed out a 7:51 mile at the end, which I'm pleased with....for now. Make sure you push yourself on that last mile!

This workout took me a total of around 30 minutes so don't say you don't have time. Scale everything to your abilities and get to work. It won't take that long. Just get it done!

Yours In Health,