Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Workout for week of 9/17/12

Here's your new weekly workout. Enjoy!

4 rounds for time of:

15 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups

If you can't do regular pull-ups feel free to substitute jumping pull-ups. Basically that's just jumping while pulling as hard as you can to get your chin above the bar. Just repeat for reps.

Also, if you can't do regular push-ups, just perform those with your knees on the ground. Just be sure to keep you kinetic chain in line (ears in line with shoulders, in line with hips, in line with knees). As a good PT instructor used to tell me, "There aren't any seals in GA! Keep those hips up!" I realize some of you may not be in GA, but the same theory still applies; keep your hips up, don't let them droop.

I do sit-ups without an anchor (nothing holds my feet down). If that's too hard for you feel free to anchor your feet under something or get a partner to hold them for you.

Have a good week, eat clean, and keep it healthy!

Yours In Health,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Workout for week of 9/10/12

Here is, what has become, the new weekly workout! Now you have all week to do the workout and let me know your thoughts. Have fun and keep it healthy!


Part 1:
3 Rounds for time of
15 Chest to bar pull-ups
20 Burpees
15 Sumo-deadlift high-pull (barbell)

**Chest to bar pull-ups are exactly that, pull-ups where your chest touches the bar. The weight for the sumo-deadlift high-pulls is 95lbs for men and 75lbs for women as prescribed. Or you can just use a challenging weight if that is too heavy or too light for you.**

Part 2:
5 sets of 5 reps of barbell Deadlift
100 jump rope skips after each set

So it looks like this
5 Deadlifts
100 Jump rope skips
5 Deadlifts
100 Jump rope skips
and so on for 5 rounds/sets.

**The deadlifts are a max effort. So shoot for a weight that you can only get 5 reps with good form and no more.**

Once you're done feel free to post your time, or any other stats you want to share, to the comments. That way we can all motivate each other.

Yours In Health,

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Workout for 9/4/12

Alright, it's that time. Here's a new workout so it's time to get your sweat on! Watch that form and have fun!


7 Rounds for time of:
5 Man Makers (40lbs men / 25lbs women)
6 Chest to bar pull-ups
7 Box Jumps
8 Toes to bar

As always, if there is an exercise here that you don't recognize, check out the "EXERCISE DEMOS" tab at the top. And be sure to let me know your thoughts on the workout.

Yours In Health,