Monday, January 2, 2012

The Workout from Hell

 If you're reading this blog then you were either curious, a glutton for punishment like myself, or maybe both. Well regardless, you're here, so you might as well workout right? The following workout will consist of 1,000, yes 1,000, grueling reps. If you're not dripping with sweat and breathing hard at the end of this one then you didn't do something right! Without further delay, the 1,000 rep workout:

10 Rounds for time of

10 Burpees
10 Squat Jumps
10 Push-ups
10 Toe touch sit-ups
10 Bodyweight dips
10 Tuck jumps
10 Plank jacks
10 Plyometric Lunges
10 Lying leg raises
10 Squat thrusts

This workout was courtesy of BodyRock.TV. I've posted the video of the workout below in case you have any questions about any of the exercises. Have fun!

Yours In Health,

1 comment:

  1. I thought I'd post the times that I have.

    Steven - 59:32

    Katie - 1:09:10

    Brad - 1:32:44
